Government needs to come up with answers

Monday, December 28, 2009

President Asif Ali Zardari
The President in his speech at Garhi Khuda Bukh stated that non state elements are preventing the government from fully functioning. If this is true, then let’s be clear and open with the public. Who is our enemy? This is not a top secret that the President, ISI Chief and Rehman Malik should only be privy to. We as a community of people need to finally get an answer. Too many lives have been scattered in ignorance. The time has come. Pakistan wake up. We need to get a hold of these corrupt politicians by the horns and shoot out the failures. I demand answers to this terrorist acts. Who is it? Why have they started now? Who are the catalysts? Is it the Deobandi school of thought with their madarasas? The Jihadi groups created by clerics? India. In all truths, we need to comprise a truth with these men. War cannot be won. We need to know what they want. If they want to oust Americans, then oust them. We can live without donations and grant. If the Supreme Court gives the verdict, NRO culprits to return the money, we have enough. I commit on behalf of Pakistan to the president that if law and order is restored, we will build Pakistan together. We do not need foreign aid. We need domestic peace. Can you handle this?

Time we spread the word. Time we take issues on our turf. This Pakistan is bleeding. Talk to the nation. Give names. PPP, PML, or any other sects, come out with evidence. You are breathing your last. And so are we.


Poem for Karachi Martyrs

Dear Enemies of Peace,
How dare you bombard my people on the most delicate and remarkable days of our faith. Before you bombed the procession, did you even realize that the procession was in the name of the grandson of the greatest man on Earth? This procession was to salute the greatest martyrdom in the history of the world. You have not killed peace; you have deleted it from the annals of Pakistan history. I am a Sunni but love all elements of my beloved Hazrat Ali, Hazrat Hussain. To me, today, someone took the initiative and killed my prestige and honor. They have violated my peace. For the martyrs of Karachi, I write this poem

The procession of the grandson of the greatest man on earth
You bombed it and shattered our trust, loyalty and faith
Martyred many in this inhuman act of violence
Burnt down Karachi as if it was just bark
Destroyed our sanctity and our benevolence
Yet you forget
We are martyrs the day we were born
We will march on with our songs, love and understanding
Long after you have died and rusted in the sun
Our children will tell stories of our victory
And your pyrrhic losses
Time will write you as a devil
History will convey your disasters to generations
You will die a million deaths
And hell is your abode


Afghanistan Refuge Crisis and the Deobandi School of thought

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Deobandi School of thought

Pakistan is going through one of the most difficult times. The political system is incomplete decay. The NRO has not been completely banished and criminals are still free. What can one say regarding the leadership steering this country into further chaos and doom. In times like these, one only wonders when his or her time will come. People ask me when I would be leaving this country. The answer to this is scarier than the reality that abides in this country. If I choose to leave this country now, I've made a choice of burying my past, present and even future. I would let go of a Pakistan that I actually want. There is no respite anywhere one goes.
This article is to shed light on some of the elements of political jurisdiction that many of you might not even have fathomed. One of the greatest tragedies that are barbaric leader General Zia Ul Haque administered during his president ship was allowing millions of refugees to invade Pakistan. This has led to a mass exodus of human mind set and people migrating into the veneers of Pakistan. I'm talking about more than 3 million a fund refugees have settled into Pakistan. Kindly refer to for further details regarding the atrocities and ill managed migration of people.
Imagine three new million people coming into your country without any unique representation, financial goods, opportunity, and any respect for your political system. These were people who feared slaughter and decided to volt out of anguished and torn Afghanistan. Pakistan was their haven. The kindest country that would house them till date. And what have they done as gratitude of our love and affection? They have sided with India, turning away the Kabul River, drowning our financial sectors by penetrating into them and creating havoc. This Pakistan was for the Punjabi, Sindhi, Balochi and proud Pakhtoons. They are not for the migrated asses who have forgotten the love and passion of this country. report will tell you of the blessings and the god gifted neighbor that the afghan refugees had. Without us, they would have died in the cold brazen winters. But what have they offered us as they returned back? No tower of love and understanding? No remorse as they infiltrate our soil and ambush our children?
Hundreds and thousands of Afghans fled the correct system thanks due to the Deobandi movement that incorporated the children into the madrassas and then taught them the wrong Islamic values. After the fatal education of explicit homicide and wrong teachings of Islam, these afghan children were again sent back to Afghanistan to shoot out the so called devil. The circle of life started by the profound determination of one of the most corrupt and devastatingly convulsive Islamic organizations that was created by Indian intelligence.
And instead of thanking the Pakistan government and taking pride in accepting that they were fed and properly taken care of during their worst days, they turn around and shake hands with our worst enemy India? And this to a nation that took their 3 million families into our own hands and given them the opportunity of a lifetime. And the return is that their forefathers and their countrymen surround us and attack us? Is this the payback after years of sacrifice that we gave for and to them? We do not want neighbors such as them? We never accept neighbors that actually take refuge with India.
Our people in our communities need to understand that one of the worst disasters that this country performed is open the Afghan Pandora box. Taliban’s are just an off shoot of the madarasas schools taught by Deobandi school of thought. If Taliban’s are just some of the segments of the Deobandi school of thought, we must ask ourselves what kind of teachers are they? In his book Jihad, Gilles Kepel clearly orchestrates the devastation and moral destruction that the Deobandi school of thought have placed on the afghan refugees taken during the refugee years.


How Imanae our princess bought us together

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Imanae bought us together

Another silent Saturday and the traffic keep on saturating the empty roads. People hustling back home and a few of us stand together on liberty chow to protest against the brutal attack on our little princess IMane. Friends and family all joined together to distribute pamphlets, papers and even stickers to the masses. We have been extremely successful in our continuous support and gather together. I have met some fascinating people over the course of our silent protest. People from all different walks of life joined together by a common goal. Malpractice has to end. This is the rudimentary disease killing us all. This has affected every single person and will be a catalyst if this is not stopped.
I met Aqeel again and was completely baffled to know that the police department did not take heed and rested the case. Lahore high court demanded for an update and there was none. The newspapers and online editions all covered the same headline. The police sold their hearts and souls and negated their duty. The police department stated the wrong criminal offense and did not present the entire case to the high court. After this unnecessary delay was communicated to the High court, the police team was immediately transferred and another police team has now given the case.
Morality is a lost cause in this country. With such a princess dead, you would expect that the police department who have their own children would cope and fathom what we all are going through. People would realize the impact and the loss of life. It is so heart breaking to know how we have lost hope and desire in this fatal blow. People cannot let dreams of their future die. Yet the police department wrongly accused the doctors hospital, delayed the investigation and then escaped by simple transfer.
Is this the Pakistan we have longed to build? How can we build morality? Justice is such a virtue that is seems to be hidden beneath the veneers of corruption and deceit. I long for the day when the hospital and its administration will be behind bars. Without bail. Without the hope that they will survive. Our princess is no longer with us but we need to keep on fighting. We need more people to volunteer and come to terms that this is a fight for our children. Yours and mine. And Imanae is leading the way. Look at us. Fighting our cause. Lets be motivated and keep our faith. We have a long journey ahead. The tears of our souls will not rust.
Imagine the pain we grow through. The jungle is full of corrupt politicians, police officers and then heaping the dirt is the foul play of people. Yet our dreams and ambitions will stand the test of time. We will win this for Imanae.


What kind of breed are these politicans ?

We kept the president of Pakistan in prison for many years and no final verdict came to closure. Some say that bail was granted and some indicate that the cases were dropped. In some corridors, people emphasize on the slow pace of justice in this part of the world. Irrespective of the outcomes and the results construing, one man was charged and placed in jail. The system had ample time to forlorn and maintains closure. This was not made possible. No one questions this perspective? Why a man is twice tried in his life? What consequences rule out the closure of justice once and for all? This is the same stance by the current Prime Minister of Pakistan. He is ruling out the verdict by clearly stating that the president testified against the cases and no outcome took place. So why to be placed into the same fate again? Where was the system when he was on trial and in jail. Why are keeping his life in the hands of the same system that will neither reward or penalize? Years spent in jail without meaning and remorse. Is this what we will expect?
The real issue is of morality. This is something we direly lack. They say that the foundation is built by mothers. Well, let’s examine our mothers. Our mothers lie, steal, connive, blatantly negate the truth and bewilder life itself. No one can come against their mothers but what occurs is a part of our daily lives. Every time someone calls and wants to speak to someone in the house and the person is present, we still ay” he or she is not at home”. Well this is the calculated response of our mothers that things are ok if we scrap it as a white lay. Our mothers tell us that fair-play is not profitable. I asked ten mothers who was Ayesha and her relationship with the Prophet and I got different answers. Is this the muslims we are generating?
Imagine the type of mothers that have created the type of ministers that do not resign irrespective of black-and-white evidence. What breed of children is reproducing today? The fruit seller’s measure using pebbles and our police officers take continuous and illegal amount of money to pursue cases. This is a country where billions of dollars have been spent on the refugee camps where the natural disaster took place and yet the devastation still remains. People have not been given their dues. This is a country where the people of Baluchistan still suffer from no availability of gas and they are the producers of it. This is a country that ships their best fruits and leaves behind the rotten and grade 2 elements for us to eat. This is a country where ministers can stop traffic and pass along where ambulances wait. Is this sanity? Is this the elements of our future?
Our mothers have cradled our politicians and leaders. A complete system of buffoons and culprits. Is this the monsters these mothers produce? Where have we failed?
I beg of the mothers today to stop teaching hatred, conspiracies and even jealousy among people. Let us control our future with dignity and pride.


The have and the Have nots

Friday, December 18, 2009

Poverty of Pakistan

Ever wonder at the financial difference in this society?
Our one tank filling is equivalent to the salaries we distribute to our drivers.
Our monthly bread, egg, butter, sugar and rice accumulative are equal to the entire salary that we distribute to our maids and cooks.
Our monthly electricity bill amount is equivalent to the entire family support of 5 living in the most rural areas.
The food that we typically throw away the children of our country search for it in rubble
The school fees of our children could teach 500 students in the rural areas

With such major variances, I wonder when will the revolution begin? The poor are silent. The rich are magnifying their wealth. I wonder how this will last and till what time. We all need to comprehend how this society began. People do not want to hear the truth. I live in a posh neighborhood. And one of the reasons why is that I lived abroad for many years and took that money to construct my home and bought my cars. My neighbor is a customer inspector. His official salary is 23,000 Rs. Yet he drives very expensive cars and entertains lavishly. He smiles when I ask how we garnered such wealth. Another neighbor of mine works in WAPDA as a meter reader. These are the same people that have bicycles and check meters. His son drives a Mercedes. Imagine where the money is coming from. This is not just here but in all neighborhoods. Why are we silent?


What else could go wrong? Is this really true?

Monday, December 14, 2009

Ladies in Gentlemen, we are living in hell. There is no substitute to ignorance and cowardice. We live in Pakistan where value systems of integrity, honor and responsibility are even combated. Imagine a world where people have sold their souls and the nation’s spirit to the enemies and have convoluted the minds of the innocent Pakistani’s. Hundreds of marches have taken place and yet the desolate affairs remain the same. Here are just some of the glimpses that have occurred over the last few days that show the nemesis of this nation.
• Fatima Jinnah Medical students revolt against coming under proper check and balance. All medical institutions in Pakistan should never be given the authority to give medical degrees out. Similar to US, all medical colleges can facilitate education but one board takes the exam and endorses the degree. Here the world has changed. Different colleges are now granting medical diplomas and certificates. Imagine what occurs when these ferocious animals treat others. These are doctors without the proper training and education.
• No clear verdict of NRO – in a world like Germany, USA and even South America, people who have been placed in the ousted and corrupt list should be immediately sacked and within days inquiries to take place and case closed. In Pakistan, we are still lingering on. Like many cases, this will end many years after the politicians have looted the foundations of this nation.
• Imanae verdict – the police have done no immediate action against the culprits. More daughters are dying. Somewhere no one is taking heed of such profundities of human life.
• Political turmoil – USA President claims to bombard Quetta with the aerial combat and no one stands out and declares this unconstitutional. What is this? On one hand US states that the sovereignty of Pakistan is intact and then they fly their planes at their own whimsical desires?
• Mr. Kosa who was investigating the NRO cases has been transferred with immediate effect. No one is shouting out?

The saddest element of our society is simply this. Our enemies have killed our fathers; mothers, daughters and sons, and we are silent. The common man is silent and speechless. The issue is that the sons of generals and army officers have done but there is no voice from their end. The bureaucracy enclave is sending out their families and money abroad but no check and balance. The financial reserves are at an all time low. Electricity is short and water is scarce. And yet we see people nominating and fighting the war of who is the better of fewer evils PPP or PML? All political channels endorse and substantiate crimes. No agency or channel has come forth with the conclusive reporting on the NRO and trace the money from one source to another. We are silent. We are dead. If we want Pakistan to survive raise your voices. I have a pen so I testify that I will die with this nation. But will be fighting. What about you – the generals who have lost their sons? The people who have lost their mothers? The people who have been ambushed? Will you not speak? Who has cut your tongue?


How Medical Malpractice Killed A Father

Friday, December 11, 2009

Will we not wake up now? Our homes are burning and our roads covered with dust.
Every single moment, there are people around the world that are fighting for their lives against cancer, AIDS, and other perilous diseases. Patients realize that the doctors are doing the best they can and medical insurance and malpractice will immediately kick in if any error occurs. Due to the extensive monitoring and control of hospital processes and surgical procedures, doctors in the West team up to ensure availability of the best medical solutions possible irrespective of the odds.

Hundreds of doctors are sued annually and medical licenses canceled for life. Though these blatant actions can never revive mankind, they at least provide a controlled environment in which human error due to neglect and miscalculations are penalized. A proper and controlled hospital system will always keep the doctors on their toes, improve medical processes, hone surgical procedures, give birth to new technology and drive easier methods to diagnose disease and ailments.

Man can now rest assured that his life will be given the due attention if at any time his heart beats stop or his body shivers into a state of perplexity. Maybe one of the reasons behind the exponential increase of health care in the United States is that they realize that the human spirit and mind is something worth cherishing. America is the only country in the world where a handicap can become a president and a black man whose father once toiled the fields is elected. It is a world that commits its solemn pledge to mankind and hopes and believes that each child has in him the wisdom of Abraham Lincoln and the drive of Thomas Edison. Each child has the opportunity to become a hero. Each individual is priceless. Anybody saved might have the cure for AIDS, cancer or rebuild America. Is that not something worth a national commitment?

Pakistan has an abundance of children laying aimlessly in the streets and dying each day of malnutrition. Hundreds of people die without a root cause and are buried under the precipice of religious dialect. Pakistan has one of the highest malpractice deaths in the world. The major cause is that there is no control on the hospital methods. The ministers of Health have either constructed their own pharmacies or ensured that their relatives have become permanent employees of the government institutions. Any minister ready to challenge this? Can anyone give me an example of a hospital that has ever suspended its doctors due to malpractice and shun the worst root cause of death- human stupidity?

I don’t believe that Pakistan realizes what dies each day. It is not another innocent bystander or another poor soul. That boy perishing away in the hospital due to the fake medicines could have been another Allama Iqbal or even Tariq Bin Waleed. That girl who died yesterday since no one attended her in time could have been the next prime minister of this nation and rebuilt it. But why do we not see these stars shining and believe in the spirit of Pakistan? Who has allowed us to bury our tomorrow? Our priceless heroes die each day whereas our villains are kept alive. Why would any nation do this?

My father walked to the Punjab Medical Institute. He was a professor at a very prestigious university in Pakistan. They wrongly diagnosed him and gave him the wrong injection. His liver ruptured and that was the last day I had with my father. That day I had met him again after coming home from work. This time he was sleeping and could not hear me. Imagine how my soul felt. Imagine how my world dissipated. These doctors had no remorse. My shouts and screams did not have any effect on the staff at the institute. Now I realize that hundreds of men and women shout at them each day and they have become prone to it. We can only voice our anger. There is no institute or governance where we can show them the pieces of the puzzle and suspend the licenses.

Once the doctors at Punjab Cardiology realized that they have injected the wrong injection, they gave excuses and told me to run to Service Hospital and bring forth a liver specialist. All the doctors were off to their private clinics. Imagine how low I felt. I begged some doctors to visit me. All of them refused. They wanted me to come to their clinics. I had even requested one to take my car but come. I kept on shouting "he does not have anytime left".

I ran back and forth multiple of times to Service Hospital to bring a doctor. And each time to no avail. One of my friends rushed him to Doctors Hospital. My father was breathing that day. He kept on telling the doctor that he feels pain. They gave him dosage and he went into coma. This is against medical norms. You cannot put to sleep a patient that is perfectly breathing and lull him into the worst storm of his life.

He had trepidations as we played him in the CT Scanner. I had tears rolling down my eyes as I saw his body pulsate with pain. He was afraid. Maybe he was talking to death. Hoping that we live on.

My beloved father stayed at Doctors Hospital for a few more days. He was placed on the respirator without any intimation. I found out that this process is a delicate one and should be performed in the presence of a specialist. In my fathers case, he was treated by a nurse and a vagabond cat who kept on pacing the intensive care unit. Imagine my frustration. The depth of my anguish. I was loosing the man who taught me how to walk.

The saddest story begins here. As I paid the dues of my father and anticipated him to come out of the hospital, the entire scene was delayed. Irrespective of immediate payments, he was left unattended because one nurse never gave the slip to the intensive care.

I had dreams of evening perishing. Sometimes I idolize dying for a cause greater than myself. Maybe in old age when life can no longer breath into my body a single breath. Or maybe when I have seen my grandchildren. But never would I have even thought of walking to a hospital and dying. This is how Doctors Hospital killed my father. They wrongly diagonised him and went against norms and sedated him for no reason.

After my fathers death, I went to Punjab Cardiology. That doctor has now been promoted. Though he had apologized once he realized that we were influential people but the sad part is that there is no verdict for malpractice. My father walked to the hospital. Not on a wheel chair or in an ambulance. But walked by himself with a smile embarked on his aged petal lips. Do you know of any hospital that kills its patients that walk in?

I told my stories to my friends. Hundreds of new stories were communicated to me in tears and sad hearts. Someone had a similar incident. A nurse had given an overdose of sleeping pills to my neighbor’s sons who died at 18. My aunt’s father died after he was wrongly diagnosed for cancer. My friend’s mother died in service hospital since it was a strike and the doctors did not attend. I have kept all the stories in a dairy.

I will publish this book one day. But till that day, I write this story with an empty heart. What can we do? Should we burn the hospitals and shoot the doctors on our own? Should we create the institutes of governance? But how? The ministry of Health is heedless of this story. It has been sent to them multiple of times and still we see our tomorrow being injected with wrong medicines and people dying without a cause.

Each day Pakistan will kill its stars of tomorrow. If Pakistan had saved my father, he would have taught another generation. He might have met his grandchildren. Maybe my angel could have met her grandfather instead of staring at his pictures. Maybe I could have had time to say I love you and given him hope and love. Maybe the hundreds of people like me could have had another moment of solace and tranquility. Can I blame my country for the death of my father? I have written a poem for my father; please visit my blog

Note - this article was submitted to us from one of our readers. We do not have any affiliation with the person or the deceased. We welcome contributions.


Faces We Have Left Behind

Monday, December 7, 2009

Pakistani Child Dead to Terrorist Attacks
Amputated bodies lying in the rubble
Scared faces massacred in the diminishing lights of defeat
All of these fragmented ligaments had my resemblance
Eyes of my life shattered in the dusty nemesis
My palpating heart ripped open in the apocalyptic reaction of insanity
Camouflaged men self destructing themselves
Burying my loved ones in tears of remorse
What have we done?
Who is this enemy?
I have died too many times
In the once hustling and bustling streets of Peshawar
In the long queues in front of the bank in Rawalpindi
In the mosques of my city
In the parks of Quetta
To the shopping centers of Lahore
They have killed my innocence, soul, integrity, speech, ambition
And now my silence.


Medical Malpractice is a silent killer

I recently had the opportunity of meeting Aqeel the father of Imanae who recently succumbed to death due to dire malpractice at the Doctors Hospital. His entire family is on a rampage against the institution and the very principles of immoral medical conduct. Being a victim of this nemesis myself, I realized the pain and anguish that this family was going through. The detrimental difference between the death of Imanae and the hundreds and thousands of others who have died because of mismanagement and malpractice is that the family took the stand against this evil. No one has been able to successfully launch a campaign against the Doctors, hospitals, nurses and especially the institutional management. Times are now changing. A family has finally stood up against the prosperous and indigenous management would have been extremely successful in constructing more stories at the cost of deceiving millions from all people alike.
It is a known fact that the healthcare industry and the quality of Medicare is directed proportional to the economic and social well-being of that nation. Nations that have placed their future in ensuring lives have given birth to new technologies. Technologies that speed up diagnosis and eliminates or at least drastically reduces the human error. The greatest battle lies within the realm of diagnosis. The objective of life and death revolves around the basic understanding of what the doctor perceives at that given time. Human atrophy is caused by the wrong perception and understanding of Doctors all across the world. The only difference is that in Pakistan there is no checking balance. There is no institution that governs the moral and social obligations that Doctors have to this nation and its people. And if there is such a thing as an institution than it is not executing and monitoring its domain. A dead dog is simply of no use to its master. And this is a very similar scenario of Pakistan's medical industry.
“I pledge to shut down the institution that has given my daughter that was caused because of simple negligence” speaks out Aqeel. His voice completely shattered by the turmoil that he is gone through over the last 10 days. He has lost his only daughter to the hands of one of the most corrupt and unchecked institutions of this land.
“We have spoken to the chief minister and believe that case will be immediately taken up” speaks the grandfather of the three-year-old that died tragically in the hands of her father. The father has recently started a major and massive campaign against Doctors hospital. He is also set up a portal so that the world can realize and feel the pulsation of a dying heart. One cannot even start imagining how one can even out live an incident like this. How can you be prepared to bury your only angel because some nurse gave the wrong injections? Where else in the world to children as adorable as this one die? Where else in the world do quacks practice so openly? Where else in the world does medicine have so many different types of quality? Where else in the world do you see millions of people silent as they bury their loved ones?
My father also died because of malpractice in this country. He was a professor. Many of the current political brass and bureaucracy prowess have been taught by him. I will always have impressible memories of my father. He was one of the few foreign teachers that decided to come back and serve this nation. And yet, he died because doctors at Punjab Cardiology gave him the wrong injection.
These are just not numbers. These are dreams, ambitions, and hopes that have died and have been buried deep within our own lives. These are faces that we will always be in search of. These are hands and smiles we will be forever in need of. These are loved one that we will cherish till our own last breath.
People tend to forgive god as one buries ones loved ones. This is the plagiarizing defeat of life. One has to come to terms with it. But without reason and rhyme, this is insanity. Hundreds of people die in the medical hospitals today, no doctor or staff has been reprimanded. Nothing has come to date. I admire Aqeel and his bravery. He has given meaning to the long journey that no one was ready to take on. With such dilemma against one, one takes to a simpler and calmer road.
Today, many are with Aqeel. I guess many are with him because they are fighting their own battle. They are in search of peace with their own souls and the injustice that took place. Justice is blind. But so is malpractice.


A poem for Imanae

Friday, December 4, 2009

Imanae - Our princess
Imanae - Our princess

Angels go to heaven. Only a place as beautiful as heaven could cater to smiles so vibrant and laughter so magnificent. Maybe heaven loves children. Maybe heaven rejoices on seeing such animated characters pursue the rivulets and the ever changing butterflies. Question is never their presence in heaven but how they got there. Unfortunate incidents of fate, unforgettable mistakes and sometimes divine intervention all leave behind answers of how our children moved on to the heavens. But this incident alludes to the disorder and mismanagement of the medical industry in Pakistan.
Imanae is no more with us. She was a lovely soul and the heartbeat of her father. You can see pictures of her and her family at Simply glimpsing at her pictures brought tears to my eyes. I would have loved to meet her. And listen from her the stories of snowmen, daffodils and even nursery rhymes. I am sure her father loved her voice and her sounds.
What hurts me the most is that my daughter is her age. I could almost anticipate them being friends. But one of the little angels are no with us. She died tragically at Doctors Hospital Lahore due to malpractice and mismanagement. She is a part of the long and tedious number of poor individuals who lost their life due to the maltreatment of doctors in Pakistan.
Since the inception of Pakistan, the doctors and nurses have enjoyed certain repute in the market. They have been extremely successful in camouflaging their mistakes with the veneers of religious jargon. Internet has played a pivotal part in releasing construed information regarding diseases, ailments and treatments. Even the laymen now search and calculate the variance between practice and medical excellence.

Where there are no rules of check and balance, these doctors will perform surgeries and medical treatments without realizing the repercussions. They are completely void of the nemesis effects of their actions and plans. My mother had a towel left in her stomach during her stomach operation. And my father died while given a wrong injection at Punjab Institute of Medical Sciences. And later wrong and immoral behavior of Doctors Hospital cost him his life. I have buried my father like Imanae father buried her. We have left our loved ones to dirt.
I had the pleasure of talking with Aqeel the father of the princess. I salute and admire his journey towards completely shutting down Doctors Hospital and also taking a stance against malpractice. I and others will join him till death for a cause that has made us suffer so much so long. People forget how beautiful fathers and daughters are till they are long gone.
In Pakistan, I am not fruitful of any verdicts. This is a nation of bastard politicians and foul play. Maybe if the daughters of the president, prime ministers and chief ministers are given wrong injections, they will realize the after effects. Maybe that day a resolution will be passed. Maybe that day, we can be assured that no one will die because of a doctors' wrong verdict. And till that day, Aqeel and many many others will fight this war. If you have any comments or cases against Doctors Hospital, please contact the website -

A poem for Imanae

Your face speaks a million tunes
I would have loved to cradle you in peace and love
Hold you and tell you stories of life and spirit
Yet I see you dancing in heaven
I am sorry I could not defeat the corrupt governance of Pakistan
I am sorry I could not give you processes and safety
I am sorry I could not whisper you tunes
And give you parks to play in
But I promise you
You will live longer than my generations
Your spirit will be remembered time and time again
Fathers like me will love daughter like you
Even when we are no longer alive
So as you look down upon us from heaven
And smile
We are working hard
To commit our promise to you
No more children will die without reason
We will bring back smiles to our generations lips
We will bring back the spirit of our daughters
We will bring back the life that we wanted you to live


Friday Prayers now an Abbatoir of Innocence

I remember going to the mosque with my father and enjoying the scintillating moments of joy and prosperity. We used to rejoice of being dressed up for the special occasion and anticipated anxiously the home cooked food at home awaiting us all. My mother made special chicken dishes to everyone’s delight. This was also an occasion of meeting and greeting friends and families from the neighborhoods. Friday prayers were not only a sentimental aspect but a moral and social amalgamation of love and understanding. During better days, the stores near the mosque were even kept open and the boys waited their turns to buy ice cream. Many of times, the older folks used to pay for the ice cream of the poorer kids. My driver, gardener and even gatekeeper always went with us on our car to the mosque every Friday. For 20 years of my life, my father instilled in me this desire and love for prayers and the value system of ensuring presence at a mosque at every Friday congregational prayers. My father always gave me some rupees to place in the box near the mosque gates. Seems like yesterday that I was holding the hands of my father waiting for the Azaan. My father kept his sons close and we were all excited to have a family bondage.
Irrespective of the message of performing prayers, I have been adamantly lazy and stupid not to perform all prayers. Later on in my life, I never did get to performing 5 prayers per day but on each Friday I would ensure that I am physically available in any available mosque to prostate and venerate to the lord. And the similar ambiance was seen there in all the mosques that I had visited as I grew up in Pakistan. I smelt the romantic aroma of love, understanding and harmony each time I entered any place of worship. Maybe I only went to the Friday prayers to go back into memory lane. Reminded me of daffodils and sweet honey. This is the memory of my father’s gift of a Friday sermon.
And today, I am scared of taking myself to the mosque and even have deemed saying prayers at home. My mosques are bombarded and the worshippers killed without reason and rhyme. Hundreds of people have died in terrorist attacks on mosques in this year alone. Leaving out the US sanctioned drone attached and the hallucinating verdicts of sectarianism violence; this is still a barbaric number. This is the playground for mentally disturbed people to give their bodies in the name of religion.
The Jewish media has done a phenomenal job in connecting the dots and correlating suicidal attacks with Islam. They have ordained this concept from the suicidal attacks against the Jewish community in Palestine. The reality of the issue is that like the seasons of life, self killing has many different veneers and colors. As a philanthropist, I detest all suicidal attacks and believe that it is not human to kill innocent lives specially the ones praying to any god.
The rules of engagement dictate that a war against targeted groups have a rational and can be comprehended but simply detonating a mosque by tying up explosives to a body is completely insane. This has to be the job of a satanic body and spirit to completely take up the task of shooting at civilian populations. It is the worst and most brazen sin that humanity can commit. The Jewish lobbyists and American propaganda dictate “Pakistan has more to do”. In such dire consequences, one can only wonder at the magical spell that the US wants Pakistan to perform. Irrespective of the fact that the US government clearly knows that the current and former governments have been saturated with the most corrupt and morally decayed souls and minds. Without spirit and integrity, how can these government officials save Pakistan?
The issue I face as a Pakistani citizen is how to give back to my children the same color, fragrance, and prosperity during Friday prayers. Who corrupted the timeless love of this nation and sold it at a price? Today, over 20 people have died in Rawalpindi because some hoodlums shot aimlessly at the souls busy in subjecting themselves to their lord.
I cannot even imagine how one can take up the moral and social responsibility of killing innocent lives. One thing is certain; this is the hands of external forces. No one irrespective of the religious bifurcations in Pakistan can shoot at fragile and unarmed community of citizens. I am a Muslim but protected the churches when people wanted to burn them. I protected them because I believe that they are remains of Pakistan. I often visit the Hindu temples in model town Lahore to give precedence that we are a nation of multi cultures and religions. There is no price I would take to shoot any Pakistani irrespective of age, color of creed. And I know of hundreds more who would do the same. They will not shoot at civilians and people who have families. We want our Pakistan to grow.
Lets us all shut down the western propaganda that these are Islamic terrorists. This is similar to saying that Christian act of violence take place each time a person is killed in the streets of New York. Religion does not teach innocent shootings. Humans do not perform such hideous crimes. Only venom of dogs, bastards and pigs has aimless ambitions like these. May the men and groups teaching this hatred feel the same turmoil and same reckless disasters? May they find themselves entangled without their knowledge and fight a battle in the dark.
For the Muslim world, I only cry and wonder how we have come to this juncture in our lives. What have we done to take this wrath? This is the time to stand up and be united. If I have to die, so be it. At least, my people, my children will not say I ran away or surrendered like the Pakistani army the day Dacca fell. They will remember me as a soldier who stood ground. Who died for a meaning of giving a better Pakistan to its generation? We all have this obligation. We all have this emblem to keep each other safe. Will you not join me?


Vision of the Blog

The main focus and commitment is to give the internet community a true understanding of the real Pakistan and introduce to them the people who are working hard to create and build Pakistan. Pakistan Zindabad!

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This is my pride, my emblem

This is my pride, my emblem
Children of Tomorrow

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