Karachi violence
Friday, January 8, 2010
Today some other beautiful people will rest in permanence. Another mourning day has begun for many families today. Innocent lives being buried in the ambush of self destruction. Another Pakistani dies without reason and perspective. Again, today, we are silenced. Tomorrow we will go to work and pretend nothing happened.
I wonder who really is alive? According to Dawn http://www.dawn.com/wps/wcm/connect/dawn-content-library/dawn/news/pakistan/metropolitan/06-seven+people-killed-in-karachi-violence-rs-01, several people died who belonged to PPP or MQM party. Irrespective of their ordeal and propensity, they died innocently and are no longer with us.
Security is of a prime deterrence in keeping the social and moral fabric ablaze. With such appalling incidents going on, one can only wonder what will occur in times of tomorrow. Who will be killed and who will survive? We need to realize that many Pakistani people are dying without reason and we need to question why.
The police department needs to focus on honing their skills and using the latest equipment for capturing the culprits. Innocent lives cannot be taken with such ease. Indiscriminate firing? Just one sentence? It has a magnitude impact on society! People die and live each day to see their families and loved ones. And simple stray bullets can end our lives? Is this the Pakistan we are building? Say something Karachi!! Say something Pakistan!!!
sad how karachi burns like this
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