Letter to Malia Obama about her adamant stance of saving tigers

Sunday, May 2, 2010

savings tigers?
Important Disclaimer - We live in the hardest and cruelest of times. A world in which the value of humanity has come down drastically. Hundreds and thousands of people die each day in the streets of Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan. And yet, the daughter of the President of USA worries about the endangered species – the fearful tiger.
I told this story of how Malia Obama pleads to her dad about the plight of tigers. In America, this viewpoint is not only appreciated but admired among the millions of people who believe in animal rights. How sweet to have the daughter of the most powerful man on earth worries about tigers. When I told this to children of the same age as Malia in Pakistan, they were simply appalled. Worried faces. They could not believe what they were hearing. A young girl even wrote a letter to Malia. This is the letter she wrote. Don’t know if it ever got to her. But it will remind the world of how children across the world feel about tigers and the jurisdiction of the thoughts of Malia.

Dear Malia,
I looked up the word extinct. It means things that are dying. Thank you for caring about tigers. They are very beautiful. They live on the mountains and are very colorful. I have seen many tigers in zoos in my country. My daddy told me that you really care about dying things. My daddy told me that your daddy is a big man. I saw your daddy on television. He says good things. You have good ideas.
We are of the same age, but we go to different schools. Your school has parks and good teachers. My school is near polluted shops and bomb killed some teachers. School roof taken away. I have one question for you. Do you watch television? Do you read newspapers? Does your daddy value people that die each day in my country? Do you know that entire families have died in my country in just the last five months? My friend's father died of walking to buy fruits. Many graves of children are now in graveyard near my house. These children should be in parks playing. Now they are playing in dirt. Dirt above them. Graveyards of children not good.
Many Army people die fighting your war in Pakistan. But why? My uncle and brother have died as soldiers. They are extinct too like tigers. I hate extinction. I will support your tigers if you support my people. Can you tell your daddy? Would you value Pakistani people as you value Tigers? Will you allow us to live? Would you try to save us? We are becoming extinct. We can read and write. Tigers cannot do that.

I hope that this letter reaches you and that you save people. Tigers are important.
Love your extinct friend
Children of Pakistan


Anonymous said...

We hope this latter reach to the concern!!!!!
Wish you best of luck...... THis is the voice of our children....EXCELLENT!

Devonia Smith said...

Hello: You recently made a comment on my news column about the above/Tiger/Malia letter.

I would like to reprint this letter, with a link back to this blog, with your permission.

Might I ask that you email me at sdsmith@rockstarmail.com
with your permission and any additional information?

Thank you,
Devonia Smith

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