To the Lives of Peshawar who died with me

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Today they have bombarded me into a millions shreds
In my own homeland
On my own streets
With my loved ones watching
My children a part of my life’s tragedy
My voice buried beneath the rubble and dirt
I am now lifeless
But what makes you silent?
Wont you speak volumes of my tragic death?
Wont you take revenge of the innocent lives that have been taken today?
Remember as you remain silent
The empty graves next to me
Are awaiting your bodies
I will be waiting
I will be anticipating………


Anonymous said...

“If He so pleased, He
Could blot you out
And bring in
A New Creation.
Nor is that (at all)
Difficult for Allah.”

~ The Qur’an (born: 610 AD age: 1399) : Surah Fatir (3:16-17)

Think!!!!!!!!!! and if He is not then!!!

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